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Have Needles, Will Travel

This weekend we went to Texas. Aaron has business in Dallas today and tomorrow, so we decided to squeeze in a visit to friends and family before his conference. It was a truly delightful time. In the span of 24 hours and 200 miles, we had fellowship with long-standing friends, ate a tasty breakfast with my mom, dad, brother and grandpa, surprised Adam & Brooke (see sidebar) for their much-anticipated baby shower, and enjoyed some Tex-Mex. I flew home this morning, while Aaron stayed on for work. Thanks to all who hosted us, laughed with us, encouraged us, stayed up late with us...

I took my last BCP and started Lupron last night - which meant I traveled cross-country with needles! With cooler pack, medicine vials, alcohol wipes, needles, sharps container, and note from my doctor in tow, I passed rather uneventfully through all the airport security lines. As the PA system blared about the elevated security level, TSA employees basically ignored my explanations and waved me on. One X-ray inspector asked, "Is that food in your bag?" Yes, you know me, I love ingesting sharp, pointy objects... Yesterday evening, we left from Waco at about 8:30 p.m. to head up to Dallas. As we started up I-35, I realized that we would not make it to Dallas before 10 p.m., thereby missing the 7-10 p.m. window in which I was instructed to take the Lupron. I contemplated injecting myself in the car of a 7-Eleven parking lot where we stopped at one point, but ultimately I determined that it was probably okay to take the medicine a little late. Ah, adventures! Nurse Answers said that my next cycle could start any day after I start taking the Lupron. Then I feel like we'll really get started with this IVF.

By the way, we decided to ask the clinic to attempt to fertilize only four eggs. Thanks to all who prayed for us as we made this decision.


Sarah Kay said...

We're praying for you guys during this process.

Sarah Kay

GLouise said...

Best wishes to you!

Kris said...

Oh, dear. I've given myself injections in parking lots, in my car parked in front of a friends' wedding rehearsal dinner, public restrooms....

Good luck!

GLouise said...

How is everything going? Are you still on Lupron, or have you already started stimming?