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1,823 Days Ago

To continue the celebration of our almost-five years of marriage, I present a list of things about my husband that I enjoy (in no particular order):

  • He washes dishes after I make a mess by cooking.
  • He is quick to confess sin.
  • At 6'4", he is tall enough that I can wear heels.
  • He has a riotous, often dry sense of humor.
  • He excels at making strangers comfortable through conversation.
  • He gives me frequent and lengthy massages.
  • He prioritizes our marriage over everything else.
  • He takes daily time with the Lord seriously.
  • He comforts me when I cry.
  • Children love him because he knows how to have fun with them.
  • He serves others eagerly.
  • He loves nature, especially trees, and causes me to see created beauty that I would often otherwise overlook.
  • He almost always lets me pick the movie.
  • Every day when we sit down to dinner, he asks me about my devotional time.
  • When I don't like something he is wearing and ask him to change, he does so willingly.
  • If I am busily scurrying around, he loves to stop me in my tracks to hug and kiss me.
  • He gently challenges me when I sin.
  • He faithfully applies teaching from God's Word and diligently pursues spiritual growth.
  • When he travels for work, he calls me every day.
  • He kills all the nasty bugs in our apartment, but he always apologizes to them when he does so.
  • If I have trouble falling asleep, he runs his fingers through my hair to soothe me.
  • He makes me coffee in the morning.
  • He appreciates music and art.
  • He collects an assortment of really random facts.
  • Though he can't always find the right words, he wants me to know his heart.

My time is short, so I'll stop the list here; I'd really never have enough time to share all the ways I love my husband!


AwkwardMoments said...

He sounds amazing - grats to you for the lucky pick

Anonymous said...

How sweet! And inspiring! May all of your married readers sit down and make a similar list about their own beloved! Thanks for your example.

Yetty said...

i got an error message from mr google, i hope my earlier comment made it to you

In Search of Morning Sickness said...

I've been out of town, but the whole 5 year anniversary entries have been just wonderful. This one was sweet, but they have all been obvious that your marraige is beautiful. I love your thoughts and observations and deep seated Christlike worldview of marriage.