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Mad Lib

I've crafted a Mad Lib out of something that happened to me last month. If you'd like to play along, leave your answers in the comments section before noon (CST) on Friday. (Or leave your answers whenever you like, just don't read Friday's post first!)

1. noun ____________________
2. adjective ____________________
3. event ____________________
4. flavor ____________________
5. verb (past tense) ____________________
6. food
7. adverb ____________________
8. noun ____________________
9. exclamation ____________________
10. 2 colors ____________________
11. body part ____________________
12. body part ____________________
13. body part ____________________
14. verb ending in -ing ____________________
15. noun ____________________
16. 3 items of clothing ____________________
17. verb ____________________
18. verb (past tense) ____________________
19. verb (past tense) ____________________
20. place ____________________
21. noun ____________________
22. noun ____________________
23. something you read ____________________
24. adverb ____________________
25. verb ____________________


Amy said...

Oh, yay! Mad Libs!

1. noun __dog__
2. adjective ___smelly__
3. event __President's Day__
4. flavor __butterscotch__
5. verb (past tense) __rolled__
6. food __chimichanga__
7. adverb __flacidly__
8. noun _lamp_
9. exclamation __Eegad!_
10. 2 colors _fuschia and puce_
11. body part _middle toe_
12. body part _ear lobe__
13. body part __appendix_
14. verb ending in -ing _snoring_
15. noun __pencil sharpener_
16. 3 items of clothing _hat, bomber jacket, pinafore_
17. verb _sing_
18. verb (past tense) _flung_
19. verb (past tense) __flopped_
20. place _San Juan Capistrano__
21. noun _PS2__
22. noun _fork_
23. something you read _The New York Times_
24. adverb __icily_
25. verb _type_

Unknown said...

Here's mine!

1. rubric
2. pronounced
3. Calypso party
4. tangy
5. agonized
6. English cucumber
7. merrily
8. beluga whale
9. That’s my toe!
10. blue and blue
11. pelvic ligament
12. sinus cavity
13. nose pore
14. swinging
15. Fiat
16. beret, eye patch, sweater coat
17. matched
18. announced
19. conducted
20. Wichita Falls, TX
21. napkin
22. ketchup
23. prescription label
24. illegible
25. sit

JJ said...

1. noun: computer
2. adjective: warm
3. event: my birthday
4. flavor: chocolate
5. verb (past tense): smiled
6. food: taco
7. adverb: lovely
8. noun: table
9. exclamation: oh my goodness
10. 2 colors: pink, black
11. body part: elbow
12. body part: butt
13. body part: foot
14. verb ending in -ing: laughing, crying
15. noun: letter
16. 3 items of clothing: skirt, bra, jeans
17. verb: scream
18. verb (past tense): splashed
19. verb (past tense): exploded
20. place: Saskatchewan
21. noun: sink
22. noun: mailbox
23. something you read: cookbook
24. adverb: quite
25. verb: pop

andrea_jennine said...

Oh, Aaron - I'm so glad I didn't tell you which story I made into a Mad Lib; your answers crack me up!